I am a freelance writer and photographer from South Florida and currently based in Japan's Ibaraki prefecture. I graduated from Florida International University in 2009 (B.A. Anthropology, B.A. Asian Studies, certificates in Japanese and Chinese languages). You'll (almost) never catch me without a book, a camera (or three), and a notebook (with pens, of course) in my bag.
I am the Managing Editor at toy enthusiast blog Tomopop and I also try to keep a photo- and travel-centric blog, Snapitude, updated. I just wanted to keep things a little more organized, ya know? GeekeryDo is where I put all my other stuff. It's where I'll be blogging about all manner of nerdery, sharing links and news (throughout the week), book reviews and reactions, video game reviews and reactions, and anything else I have to share like artwork or plastic model kit building. Additionally, I blog at BookRiot and Quirk Books, which is totally awesome. You could also see some more book reviews by yours truly is at Bookalicious. Finally, I blog Japan-centric things over at Japanator.
Besides blogging much more than any person should (and now vlogging), I participate in podcasts, report at otaku or fan events and try to learn new things while trying to not blab on Twitter all day. All of the things I've listed around the web and more are also linked to on the handy dandy sidebar on this blog for your reference.
I also quite like going to the beach. It's kind of a year-round thing in Miami, and I sorely miss it now that I've moved to Japan. Now I've got a few more seasons than usual to worry about! But, the good news is I'm not far from the coast at all, so I'll still be getting some lovely beach weather once it warms up. I hope you'll stick around for the ride.
last update: July 24, 2014